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Basic version Windows


The Basic version of FluidProp for Windows is available for all Windows operating systems from at least Windows 7. It allows you to use many features of FluidProp for an indefinite amount of time. For most users, the Basic version is sufficient, but the add-ons makes modeling more challenging situations possible and provide many additional fluids. For complete information about FluidProp, check out the FluidProp main page. The fluids available in the basic version and in various add-ons of FluidProp are listed in the fluids overview PDF file.

The Basic versions of FluidProp contains the following thermodynamic models:

GasMix implements the ideal gas model for fluids and mixtures. It is very fast, but obviously has all the limitations of the ideal gas model: it cannot compute properties for liquids and cannot deal with phase changes. It can be used to model any mixture, but obviously with limited accuracy as the interaction between the constituents are not taken into account.

IF97 (Industrial Formulation) calculates the thermodynamic and transport properties of water and steam according to International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS-IF97). It is the reference calculation for industrial applications of water and steam.

FreeStanMix implements the PRSV equation of state, which is one of the most accurate cubic equations of state to predict the properties of non-ideal gases and fluids. In particular, it gives good results for the estimation of saturation properties.  It is particularly useful for fluids for which RefProp is not available, as it requires only a single parameter to model a fluid. Also, it is faster than RefProp. A more accurate version of FreeStanMix is available in the StanMix add-on.

For mixtures, FreeStanMix uses  the Wong and Sandler mixing rules which are suitable for the modeling of highly non-ideal mixtures.

One of the nice properties of the FreeStanMix model is that we can add extra fluids to those that are already supported relatively easily.  So, even if your particular fluid is not yet supported, it will not cost you much to get it in the library.

TPSI implements accurate thermodynamic models for a number of fluids as described in: Reynolds, W.C., Thermodynamic properties in S.I., Department of Mechanical Engineering – Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1979.

FluidProp for Windows offers the same functionality with respect to thermodynamic physical properties that can be computed as the versions of FluidProp for Linux and macOS.
