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FluidProp is the ultimate thermodynamic property library. It lets you compute the thermodynamic and transport properties, like enthalpy, entropy, speed of sound, and many others. These properties are computed using the latest physical models and are therefore highly accurate and predictive. FluidProp includes models that provide:

  • accurate properties close to the critical point,
  • direct computation of the critical point of mixtures,
  • advanced and efficient algorithms for phase equilibria.

FluidProp comes with a large variety of fluids and fluid mixtures. Extra fluids can be added upon request. So if you are working with a new or poorly known fluid, you can contact us to add it to the FluidProp database (either to the general database or only to your personal instance).

In addition, FluidProp allows easy integration with modeling environments. Thanks to its COM interface, it takes only a few clicks to integrate FluidProp with most of the common computational environments, like MS Excel, Matlab, Maple, Fluent, etc.

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Consistent fluid behaviour

The design of an energy system often involves a range of simulations: steady-state simulation, dynamic simulation, detailed CFD analysis. Often, these are done with different packages, each with its own model for fluid properties and chemical reactions. When these programs give different results for the same component, it is hard to determine whether this is due to differences in the fluid treatment or because of other reasons and possibly flaws. With ASIMPTOTE you can do all these simulations in an integrated package using a single engine for fluids. Any differences in results for different types of simulations are therefore much easier to trace.

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