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Perfluorocarbons Add-on


The Perfluorocarbons Add-On provides 18 extra perfluorocarbon fluids, which can be used with (free)StanMix and PCP-SAFT. In order to use it in freeStanMix, first download FluidProp Basic, in order to use it in StanMix and/or PCP-SAFT additionally download the StanMix and PCP-SAFT Add-Ons.

The Perfluorocarbons Add-On contains the following fluids:

1. perfluorobutane 10. perfluorocyclomethylhexane (PP2)
2. perfluoropentane 11. perfluorocyclodimethylhexane (PP3)
3. perfluorohexane 12. perfluorodecalin (PP6)
4. perfluoroheptane 13. perfluoromethyldecalin (PP9)
5. perfluorooctane 14. perfluoroperhydrofluorene (PP10)
6. perfluorononane 15. perfluorotoluene
7. perfluorocyclobutane (RC318) 16. perfluorobenzene (CP28)
8. perfluorocyclohexane (PFCH) 17. PP80
9. perfluoro-2-methylpentane (PP1) 18. PP90


The perfliuorocarbons perfluoromethane (R14), perfluoroethane (R116), and perfluoroproane (R218) are already available in the basic version of FluidProp. For complete information about FluidProp, check out the FluidProp main page.
